Old media is TV, radio, phone and news paper. New media is basically an internet that contains the applications such as blog, e-news, facebook, twitter, skype and so on. There are some differences between old and new, but not that easy to define because old and new media interact between each other.
New media are accessible and cheap. I would say that new media can be managed by anyone who has access to the Internet. It is simple way to share or distribute any news or stories online through those social networking. New media gives us the opportunity to be more involved in life around us. We can set blogs and discuss anything that we agree or disagree. That is what old media aren’t possible to do. We can just watch TV or read news paper, but we wouldn’t be able to share it with anybody.
New media provides us with easy way to communicate among each other. Many people use skype everyday. For example, I have read that some companies even use skype to communicate within the company. It is amusing that we can do so. Before we were so happy, we had at least home phone. Moreover, even before that, we did not have anything, just a paper and an ink. However, it took forever for the letter to be delivered.
New media is extremely fast, so even bigger files can be sent through the internet. We can share pictures, music and other files. Just setting up for the email account offers us the possibility to do so. Blogs are also very useful to share any documents.
We never know where something new called NEW MEDIA come again and boost or replace the current new media. The technology is so in advanced that new technologies keep appearing at all the time.
New media is fast but i'm not sure if it's ALL cheap. There are some new technologies that you need for new media at are pretty expensive such as a laptop or a cell phone. You are 100% correct about new media being accessible.
ReplyDeleteBut still labtops and mobiles are relatively cheap comparing to what it was before.